Ancient Tantric Practice: Tantric Sex

For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the ancient tantric art of kundalini meditation. Kundalini meditation is a profound way to awaken our souls and liberate ourselves from our spinal cords which have been cocooned by false and limiting beliefs and thoughts that have blocked our spiritual evolution. It is believed that the first human being in the form of Adam and Eve experienced a spiritual awakening in the seventh heaven called Ganga (or Yamuna). From this point on, humanity moved into the realms of the inner worlds. Kundalini Yoga was brought to the attention of Western scientists and physicians who in the early twentieth century isolated the mysterious effects of this kundalini energy on the human body.
The primary aim of tantric practice under the tutelage of the tantra master in this link is to help humans access this powerful life force and use it for personal benefit. The aim of any tantric teacher is to help his or her students to fully understand the significance of their every movement and breath. For this purpose, no Hindu Tantra teacher can be considered "adequate" unless he or she has studied the scriptures of both the Hindu and the Tibetan Traditions, as well as the art of kundalini dancing and the physiology and anatomy of the female sexual energy centers.
The primary objective of tantric practice is to help humans achieve union with their partner. Although this goal is achieved in much the same way in both the Hindu and the Tibetan traditions, the hindu and the tibetan systems differ in their views on how this union should take place. In the Hindu view, this union is achieved through the exchange of sexual and intimate acts between two partners. In the tantric view, however, this union is achieved through the union of two consciousnesses: the male consciousness in the brahma nadi, or the true voice, and the feminine consciousness in the kundalini. This union, according to the tantric scriptures, is known as moksha nishchaya - or eternal sex.
So how do we arrive at this state of ultimate ecstasy? The answers to this question depend very much on the style of tantric practice that a teacher has pursued. Many of the principles that underlie the concepts of jnana yoga and kundalini yoga are based on those of hara natyam - the art of ecstatic dance. In fact, one of the main ingredients of tantric sex is the dance - the seamless intertwining of two bodies, the sending of waves of sexual energy throughout the universe, the collective gasp of pleasure that fills the entire cosmos. Most of the techniques taught in the tantric schools of India focus on these dance movements. Some use the breathing techniques associated with hoa yoga, while others employ the same breath control as that used during yoga poses.
A very important principle that underlies many of the tantric arts is karma; the law of cause and effect in the universe. As humans, we create our own reality by our actions and thoughts. By learning how to access these rhythmic beats within ourselves, it becomes possible to transmute the negative energy that karma has caused and to transcend the limitations imposed upon us by this law. This transmutation is often achieved through the art of mantra meditation practice, in this
page which involves repeating specific words and phrases as an attempt to clear away the misconceptions and complexes of thought that can be a major obstacle to the achievement of kama yoga, or the elevated state of spiritual realization that results from achieving karma-free status.
One of the first steps in the quest for this heightened state of harmony and bliss is the awakening of Kundalini shakti, which can be achieved through various tantric sex positions, such as the common one where the man lies on top of the woman. Once this awakening takes place, the couple may commune with their tantra teacher in order to further refine their techniques and to learn the proper meditation technique to enable them to master the art of mantra meditation. However, for those who would like to experience a higher degree of erotic bliss, tantric sex may be performed in much simpler ways, including the simple rubbing of the abdomen against the breasts of the partners, or the simple pressing and stroking of buttocks against each other. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: