A New Tantric Practice For Couples

Tantric practice is one of the key elements of a spiritual path. It is important to note that the term tantra does not refer to any kind of religious practice. However, it is widely believed that Tantric practice can be used in conjunction with traditional religious rituals to enhance the overall spiritual experience. There are many paths to Tantric study, including but not limited to Yoga, Taoism and Buddhism.
Tantric practice draw on Eastern religious traditions and philosophies to offer a deeper understanding of who we are and how we should live. The basic precepts of Tantra include a belief in the essential goodness of sexuality and a close connection to the energy that underlies sexual desires. In fact, Tantric practitioners believe that sexual intercourse is the ultimate celebration of love. The ultimate aim of Tantric exercises is to awaken the power of the sexual energy to create a balance between the desire to procreate and the desire for pleasure itself. In other words, Tantric exercises seek to create a state of balance that will allow the partners to enjoy the physical act of sex without worrying about experiencing or using the energy for personal gain.
One of the earliest forms of Tantric exercise is the yoga or yogic breathing practices of Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga retains a deep importance within Hinduism and is used in all the sacred temples. In fact, it is said that when the Hindu goddess Lakshmi moved into the heavens, her husband Brahma took her bodily form as a Kundan, a Tantra goddess. This form of yoga retains much of the ancient hindu religious roots, but modern practitioners have refined and adapted many of the ancient practices into a modern system of postures and breathing techniques.
Tantra yoga is also heavily imbued with the ancient Hindu ritual and discipline of fire. The deities and goddesses of ancient tantric practices like Shiva and Shakti are often depicted in the form of fire. In Hinduism and many other religions, it is believed that the deities of Tantric practices are capable of unlimited destruction. In fact, the very concept of Tantra itself suggests the possibility of unlimited energy and divine power. The practices of Tantric yoga seek to harness this power by building their practices around the concept of cosmic fire. According to the teachings of the sacred texts, Tantric deities and goddesses are born from the cosmic fire which itself is believed to be capable of burning up everything it touches.
Another aspect of the ancient
tantra panty that has become popular with modern practitioners is the use of sensual massage and other forms of erotic hypnosis. In fact, it has been claimed that ancient tantra texts intended for sensual yoga practices were written as a guide to the rites of seduction. Ancient tantra does not stress the importance of love and its role in sexuality but rather it emphasises the need to gain knowledge of the sensual experience and how to control it. This is often achieved through the performance tantric yoga practices that involve deep breathing and meditation exercises, which are perfect for achieving a state of peace and tranquility.
In a tantric yoga practice, the female deity Shakti is dressed in the finest silks and drapes while her consort Shiva rides on a white horse. These rituals represent the two celestial beings who are believed to be born from the elixir of love - jade and Surga. Both of them are said to have the magical powers of eternal life and pleasure whereas Shiva rides on the power substances known as shiva (semen) and sagra (sodas). The concept of shiva and sagra as power substances is an important aspect of ancient tantra philosophies. Find out more details in relation to this topic here: